Modern Disney Princesses

A year long project in collaboration with Disney to re-frame the definition of a Disney princess by telling the story of modern heroines through a fashion lens.

Client // Disney x ELLE

Photography // Celeste Sloman

Makeda Sandford (Chai Vasarhelyi)

Stylist // Sarah Zendejas

Sarah Schussheim (Eva Longoria)

Christopher Campbell (Jennifer Lee)

Anatolli Smith (Alyssa Carson, Chai Vasarhelyi)

Katie Keim (Halima Aden)

Ashley Furnival (Sunisa Lee)

Cristina Ehrlich (Jane Fonda)

Bryon Javar (Marsai Martin)

Producer // Fiona Lennon, Aaron Zumback at Camp Productions

Talent // Randi Peck


Emily St. John Mandel